Find the Truth Then Decide


So at the beginning of the month I posted a link by Mark America on my Facebook page in regards to horse slaughter….. Yep, I got some backlash and some people removed me as friends.  Makes you think that your friends should all have the same opinions that you do.  How boring would that be?  It is funny I never really put where I stand on the slaughter issue, I really only wanted people to be open-minded about what they were reading.

It is sad that so many people make decisions based on what they hear.  Not what they have researched themselves or what the facts are. When you meet someone new are you going to go by what someone else has told you about that person or do you want to make up your own mind based on what you yourself learn about that person? People should be aware of all the facts before they go ranting about an issue they have not really researched.

People have gone on the assumption that all horses that are processed are for human consumption.  This is not true.  Try researching tallow and see what you come up with. Another assumption is that the AQHA is responsible for the over population problem because they pay out incentives.  Perhaps reading how the incentive fund really works might be enlightening. The money does not come directly from AQHA. How about those that want more laws for those of use who have horses.  Yep just what we need more laws, and more restrictions.  Next thing you know we will have laws about having children too  (oh wait, maybe for some that may work….. wait, I better not get started on welfare etc…..). It is to bad that the majority people who are screaming about slaughter have not helped to come up with any viable solution.  My taking on another horse is not an option and I would imagine that most people who have horses feel the same way.  I have what I can afford to feed and take care of properly, and I have taken in and still have  more than one rescue dog.  Do I have any answers?  No I don’t but I am not going to condemn someone who does.  Instead, I will research their idea and come to my own conclusion as to whether or not it will work, or if it would work better with a little tweaking.

Another one that I like is that people should not have horses if they can not afford them.  While I agree with this statement for the most part, what about the good people who have lost their jobs and are choosing to feed their families before the animals. Are you going to tell me you would feed your horses before your kids?  Or spend $300+ to have a horse put down instead of feeding your children.(never mind those that have more than one horse).  Oh yeah you should put them down and not put your family first……yet, how many of you have tried to put down a healthy horse? All the vets that I know will not put down a healthy horse, it must have some kind of ailment. So now what?

Before anyone goes there, yes, I know that most horses are given drugs that make them  ineligible for human consumption.  But not all animals that are destroyed go to human consumption.  Dogs and cats that are destroyed do not end up on people’s plates.  And do you really know where your horse ends up when you have them put down and then picked up by a carcass removal service?  Processing plants.

With hay in my area fetching $17+ per bale for grass and $19+ a bale for alfalfa, (if you are lucky enough to own horse property).  Trims running  approx $50 (for a decent farrier). Yearly vet at about $300 (on a good year and a healthy horse….) and we have yet to add in – vitamins, special shoeing if needed, etc, etc. So how many rescues can you afford to take in?

Again I ask what HELPFUL solutions can you come up with?

As far as my stance on slaughter – if it is done in a humane way and regulated in some way then yes I am for it.  Delete me if you must, but please do your research before condemning anyone – each of us is entitled to our own opinions and I can only hope that your opinion is truly your own and based on RESEARCH and TRUTH.

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