Hug Your Family and Friends
It has been a difficult week to say the least. When I saw the breaking news about the mass shooting in Seal Beach CA, it most certainly caught my attention since I lived there at one time. Little did I know that I would be directly touched by this awful awful event. On Wednesday, the day after the shooting I found out that a very dear family friend had been one of the victims. My Mom was the one that called and told me. I was stunned, I had no idea what to say to my Mom to make her fell any better, and I had even less clue what I was going to say to Dave’s family. While we are not related, I consider each of them as close of family as my own family, and all I could do at the moment was to make that dreaded phone call. It actually went better than I thought it would. Since this happened, I have tried to imagine what his family is going through, I find it impossible and then break down because I can not fix it for them. I have thought about how busy they are now with friends and family and police and, and, and…….. but then what? What can I do to help after all the immediate drama has gone and they are left in their own quiet space. All I can do is offer myself and be there when I am needed. That next step that will come I see as a black hole, and I pray that they do not get lost there, and that they will soon see the bright sunshine and move forward – never forgetting, but really celebrating that Dave belonged to them, and they to him. What a truly lucky family they have been.
Dave was an amazing guy. He would help anyone, and was always there when you needed him. His family was his greatest asset and he knew it. They have a long road of recovery in front of them, but I know Dave will be watching over them, and protecting them. The world could use a whole lot more like Dave Caouette.
His memorial service was on Monday at Patty’s Place next to the salon where the first seven victims were assassinated. Dave was shot in his car in the parking lot, three rows away from the salon. An avid Land Rover Offroader, Dave made many friends while exploring the state with the Land Rover group Wheels Events that he was a part of. This group was amazing on the night of the memorial, they filled the parking lot with Land Rovers. It was a beautiful site, and a real tribute to Dave. Black tape across each one’s left headlight was their tribute, very simple, yet very meaningful. I would like to thank them all for all the good times they shared with Dave, and for attending the event on Monday – you guys and gals are awesome!!!
I could go on and on, but I will save you the boredom of my mediocre writing skills and share with you photos from the Memorials outside the Salon Meritage, Dave’s parking spot and some shots of the Land Rovers in attendance.
Please consider making a donation in lieu of flowers to help Dave’s wife, children and grandchildren, I know they would appreciate it.
Dave Caouette Memorial Fund
C/O Long Beach Police Officers Association
2865 Temple Ave.
Signal Hill, Ca. 90755-2212
The Dave Couette Memorial Fund is authorized by the Caouette family and 100% of all proceeds go directly to them.
Please always remember to kiss your family, friends or loved ones when they leave you and never let them forget how much they mean to you. The old cliché is so very very true, you never know what will happen until you see them again……
I love you Dave! and the entire Caoutte family.
A loving tribute, Suzanne. I know that Paula and family appreciate your beautiul words and I also know that Dave is smiling down on all of you, supporting you in your sorrow and lifting you up with his strength. You all have such wonderful memories of Dave and or that you can be thankful. Hugs to you and I love you, Aunt Sal
Suzanne-Josh, Elli, and I read your Blog. I have no words to express to you how much your thoughts and words mean to us. You had a very special place in my Dad’s heart, he just thought you were the real deal and cool. You also have a new buddy in Elli. Thank you so much for your help with the press, ect. We all really enjoy your photos, they are so thoughtful and captured the moment. The strength and support you brought to the entire Caouette family means so much.
Please keep in touch and always know that you meant something special to my Dad.